Leanne Knuist Photography

Leanne Knuist Photography

It’s all about photography

You are not going to please everyone all the time, you are not chocolate. You will have 10 clients with no issues…  then you will have that one that flips your whole day upside down.

Your client just messaged and they are not happy with their photos. It feels like the earth is going to swallow you whole. You are ready to give up on photography, you have had enough! 


  1. Keep Calm

The worst thing you can do is go into a state of panic and overthink the situation.

We are very sensitive beings when it comes to our art, but remember you are still delivering a professional service.

Before you even start replying to their message, walk away, have a cup of coffee get your thoughts together. 

Before your mind and mouth run away with you, analyze the situation first.







  1. Pick up the phone

Whatsapps and emails get misconstrued and might be read in the wrong tone.

Instead of sending messages up and down. Pick up the phone and get a clear view of why your client is unhappy.

Listen to their complaint. Do not go into defensive mode. Make sure they feel heard. 










  1. You can’t please everyone all the time

Not everyone is going to be happy, some people just have other expectations. Most of these problems can be preempted with better communication.

Find out, how you got to the problem and how to avoid it for the next time.


  1. Headspace

Your client might have had a horrible day, week, month and they are taking it out on you. This is THEIR mindset and their feelings, unfortunately, you are the target for the revolt. Do not take their energy and make it your own. Do not let their actions throw your whole day upside down.  

  1. How can we make it right

Find out what the cause of your client’s unhappiness is. Don’t start a war. Apologize. Sometimes all the client wants is to be is heard. Show your client you are willing to assist

Can you fix it? How are you going to make it right? Can you come to a compromise?

  1. Refund?

This is a very last resort. You have spent time and expertise on the photoshoot. And your service is what you charged for. If you hand out refunds, it will give the president that people can get their photos, complain, and get a refund. 

You learn more from difficult clients on how to improve your business than happy clients.